Friday, August 30, 2024

Comedy Of Errors

Veterans who have served our country honorably should
Reconsider if they thought voting for Trump was good
Because with his Arlington scandal he has again shown
That as fake bone spur draft dodgers go he’s bad to the bone.

Cadet Bone Spurs’ campaign came up with the stupid idea
To campaign above veteran’s graves as Trump’s way to make clear
That he alone was the one patriot in the Prez race
Because Harris as no-show would be seen as a disgrace.

And so to Arlington Cemetery Trump’s campaign came
To lay a wreath and pretend solemnity was their game
Where when they were told photo ops were prohibited they
Shoved an attendant trying to stop them out of the way.

The attendant shoved aside was female which increased
The scandal that’s now growing legs that will not soon have ceased
Because the swift boat bastard who screwed John Kerry with lies
Is now for Trump trying to cut the Army down to size.

LaCivita is the name of the fat bastard who
Is trying to swift boat the Army to scandal undo
By attacking the Secretary of the Army for
The Army’s issued statement that Trump’s actions they deplore.

The Secretary he’s attacking just happens to be
The first woman to hold the post in Army history
So misogyny has also reared it’s ugly head
As an added feature found Trump’s new scandal’s bed.

And adding to the debacle the grave visit’s become
Is news the visit was arranged by Trump toad campaign scum
As a setup to claim Biden and Harris not there
Proved that only Trump alone about dead vets does care.

The comedy of errors Arlington got underway
Is now growing by leaps and bounds and won’t soon go away
Which is why votes for Trump by veterans should be reconsidered
Given thumbs up disrespect over graves he delivered.

30 August 2024

Why Trump’s Arlington Debacle Is So Serious.

U.S. Army rebukes Trump for Incident at Arlington National Cemetery.

Trump campaign targets Secretary of the Army in its latest attack over Arlington scandal.

TPM: Arlington Visit Was a Fake Memorial to Set Up Biden, Harris.

How do you go to Arlington and cause a problem? Republicans baffled by latest Trump mess.

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