Saturday, August 10, 2024

Constant Encore

Trump promised a “press conference” at his Mar-a-Lago place
To counter the perception his campaign’s been a disgrace
Since Joe stepped down and Kamala appeared on center stage
He’s angry he’s not getting the same traction for his rage
He got before that fake-black whore stole his spotlight away
So a “press conference” he scheduled to reassert his sway.

But when the time arrived for him to answer questions posed
By members of the press instead of striking a new pose
His rage he channeled once again into inciting fear
As he has always done day after day year after year
He spewed the same old whiney complaints heard before so often
They long ago became memes deserving of online scoffin’.

No matter what he believed he’d achieve with his “press” thing
What he really did was add credence to reasoning
That the only old man left with dementia remaining
In the race for President will never stop refraining
From the same old tired lies lied so often before
And the same old complaints of his whine’s constant encore.

10 August 2024

‘Rage channeled into inciting fear’: Therapist breaks down Trump’s Mar-a-Lago presser. 

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