Friday, August 9, 2024

Game Plan

It’s starting to look like Harris could when elections come
Pull off a landslide victory over the orange scum
Polls indicate though it’s not yet a case open and shut
She’s quickly overtaking the shit married to the slut
But despite what’s shaping up to be for her a win
MAGAs don’t seem too concerned their win prospect’s grown dim.

The reason why MAGAs remains so confident is that
They’ve stacked state level decks so high no honest Democrat
Majority no matter how great its landslide amount
Of votes will be accepted by toads put in place to rout
Those tallies by refusing to final sums certify
Thus for Trump making fair elections in states they’ve stacked die.

Their clear intent they’ve advertised, the writing on the wall
Of their game plan they’re displaying in letters ten feet tall
The bottom line for them is that no matter what the count
If it’s against Dear Leader they're still sure he’ll win the bout
Georgia and other states stacked high with toads are standing by
To refuse to landslides not for their guy certify.

8 August 2024

Inside MAGA’s game plan of Harris wins.

MAGA Election Deniers Are Going All Out to Rig Georgia for Trump.

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