Sunday, August 11, 2024

Two Painful Highways

Republicans are like dogs who like chasing cars all day
But find out if they catch one things do not then go their way
Because if they manage to snag a bumper in their jaws
They find themselves dragged painfully down streets that their skin claws.

Extending this analogy not too out of proportion
Leads us to the situation faced due to abortion:
When the Republican-stacked Supreme Court overturned Roe
They little realized how painfully down hard roads they’d go.

Along hard roads they’re being dragged due to their obstinate
Stance against abortion which they thought would be a hit
They’re dragged on two rough surfaces, one that physically
Has led to more abortions than before Roe ceased to be.

U.S. abortion numbers since no Roe are on the rise
Which is the exact opposite of the intended prize
Republicans thought they’d achieve by overturning Roe
Thus proving when dogs catch cars along painful roads they go.

Hard surface two down which Republican dogs have been dragged
Since the no Roe car they thought they had caught their asses snagged
Is political due to their smug minority 
Imposing its values on our land’s majority.

When most voters want nought to do with what on them’s been forced
It isn’t long before those who impose find they’re divorced
From the votes needed to keep on imposing their will
And thus the caught dog they’ve become gets dragged off of the Hill.

Since the dog caught no Roe’s car things for it haven’t gone
As intended, instead it is being dragged along
Two painful highways, one towards a future much in doubt
The other away from what no Roe had been all about.

11 August 2024

U.S. abortion numbers rise since Roe was overturned, study finds.

Banning Abortion Completely Backfired, Data Shows.

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