Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Rage Routine

Trump’s third presidential campaign is drowning in rage
Because no one trick pony can turn over a new page
And the only shtick that Trump does always pick is to
Rage against all those disloyal to him to them screw
And that means all non-MAGA foes who refuse to agree
Dear Leader is God’s Chosen One and pledge their loyalty.

And so at fewer rallies he still drags his old ass to
To hump the flag and rage on stage and whimper boo hoo hoo
About how no one ever in all history before
Has been treated as unfairly as he has been for sure
His one trick due his pig lips spew to ever smaller crowds
And ever greater empty seats that might as well be shrouds.

What worked in 2016 is not working any more
But like leopard spots Trump can’t change so rage alone he’ll pour
On rally crowds who’ve heard his stale old rage routine before
And so more few attending skew themselves towards the door
Harris crowds increase enthusiasm every day
Trump’s rage routine is losing steam and fading him away.

6 April 2024

Trump’s Campaign is Drowning in Rage https://flip.it/q6TFNX

Donald Trump Doesn’t Change https://flip.it/7OOvPU

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