Wednesday, August 7, 2024

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It’s kind of hard to keep on claiming carnage alone’s found
After four years of accomplishment that’s been profound
Since Trump oozed down his golden stair to claim that only he
Could undo the carnage only he alone could see
And let corruption greed and meanness for four years hold sway 
Before Biden swept the carnage his reign caused away.

But one trick pony parties led by one trick pony scum
Have nothing but their carnage claim to voters constant spun
And so they bow the dust off that old claim that now does not
Play as well in Pretoria as 2016’s shot
When it propelled their future felon as mean as can be
Into position that enabled his carnage to be.

The two parties contending for the country’s heart and soul
Are a mirror image in all things they each extol
The carnage alone side seems to have finally met its match 
In the hope’s sprung again relief the other does dispatch
We’ll have to wait and see if hope can force meanness aside
Or if lies about something that’s not there turns back hope’s tide.

7 August 2024

Happy warriors Harris and Walz offer an antidote to Trump’s American carnage.

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