Monday, August 5, 2024

Lead Cred

No one’s heard much from Mike Pence since he almost got hung
By Trump’s mob assembly of coup supporting scum
Who built a gallows on the Hill to stretch his scrawny neck
Because he refused to electoral college counts wreck
Which maybe shows just slightly that he understands what fair is
Which is why some are trying to get him to endorse Harris.

After four long years of kissing Trump’s fat orange ass
Every time it waddled past Mike gave a fatal pass
To overturning the results that put Joe so ahead
Thus making his cred with MAGA sink heavily as lead
As underneath the bus he went for his audacity 
Of denying what Dear Leader ordered there to be.

Pence became Trump’s hated persona non grata for
Not altering the Constitution like a bad golf score
Laws matter not at all to Trump but some law seemed to be
Important enough for Mike to for once finally agree
About how our forefathers designed things to go and
Not how all laws must bow to what Dear Leader does demand.

Pence probably won’t endorse Harris, in fact he well may
Kiss Trump’s fat ass yet once again in the ongoing play
Being staged in the cage his soul remains trapped within
Just like back when as Trump’s main flunky through thick and thin
He puckered up except one time that proved more than enough
For MAGA to disown him after Trump treated him rough.

5 August 2024

Mike Pence Urged to Endorse Harris by ‘Republicans for Harris’ - Do the Right Thing’.

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