Monday, August 12, 2024

Be Prepared

Once upon a time in our country elections were
Pretty standard things that did not cause a lot of stir
Provided you were White you simply went down to the polls
On Election Day and then no matter what the tolls
If your guy had more votes he won, if not he graciously
Conceded that the other guy beat him fair as could be.

Well OK that’s a bit idealistic but mostly true
Civil wars did not erupt because someone came through
Ahead of the other guy he was running against
Although then as now that win might have been at great expense
But its results were accepted by both sides in the race
And losers did not claim fake fraud votes led to their disgrace.

But that was before Trump descended down Hell’s golden stair
To his slim win after which he democracy did tear
Asunder when as President one nation under God
Became two nations split apart by the orange faced clod
Whose loss of his second run led to the Jan 6 coup
Which was a trial run for what he’s now planning to do.

Republicans intend to win no matter what vote count
If there’s a landslide against them they’ll throw that damn slide out
Some say they will use court challenges to obtain their win
No matter what the total vote count against them has been
But given the extreme anger Trump suffers privately
As his leads slip courts won’t be where his end game we will see.

We all had better be prepared for street blood on the way
Even sooner than next November’s Election Day
If Kamala's leads keep growing Trump may not wait around
To lose to a fake black woman before he stands his ground
Pre-loss he may toss his armed cult into a new coup’s ring
In hopes that Civil War finally from him loss fear can fling.

12 April 2024

The GOP plans to win the 2024 election - at the ballot box or in court.

Trump’s Private Anger Over Kamala’s Poll Surge Takes An Ominous Turn.

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