Thursday, August 1, 2024

One Trick Party

The MAGA gang that’s now replaced the old-school GOP
Is many things history will record in infamy
Like arrogant belligerent uneducated rude
Racist misogynistic mean-spirited and crude
And every ugly trait they have’s grown worse since Harris threw
Herself into the race where they were sure Trump’s win was due.

The MAGA gang could not believe a stubborn Irishman
Would step aside to let a woman kick Trump's old man’s can
They were so unprepared for Biden’s move so unexpected
They still don’t have a clue how to get Kamala rejected
Crude racist slurs and misogynistic hate is all
The one-trick party’s got to try to make their new foe fall.

The MAGA gang has become the gang that cannot shoot straight
Since Kamala dished up heaps of whoop-ass upon their plate
Poll numbers show the body blow to Dear Leader she dealt
Since she stepped in to his narrow percentage point leads melt
Is growing exponentially and shows no signs of stopping
Despite each new-dumped stinking lump of one-trick party dropping.

1 August 2024

Kamala Harris turns the GOP into the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.

Trump and allies double down with racist attack on Harris, claiming confusion over biracial identity.

Donald Trump is afraid: Journalist explains what led to furious meltdown before journalists.

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