Friday, August 2, 2024

Blowing It

When MAGA fans tell you you’re blowing it it’s best you listen
Instead of doubling down on warnings you treat with derision
Like attacking Kamala for being someone who
You mock by saying you don’t know if black’s her label due
And denying knowledge of that 2025
Project you pretend is not the one post win you’ll drive.

When loyal MAGA fans tell you you’re blowing it you’d best
Listen to what they tell you and no longer invest
Your effort to oppose young foes in the tired old way
That makes your pig lips repeat hate your thumbs at night convey
But change for you’s impossible because deep down you know
Others are always to blame and you never things blow.

And so you’ll keep on blowing it as your lead slips away
Because you cannot accept things worried MAGA fans say
About ways you’re been blowing it in swing state after state
Where your leads before Kamala arrived weren’t all that great
And will melt more away because your ego’s driving you
To double down on everything fans beg you not to do.

2 August 2024

“You’re blowing it”: Trump’s fans beg him to change course as polls show GOP slipping.

Trump doubles down on false racial attacks on Harris, Republican Senators squirm when confronted.

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