Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Momentum Shift

The gap is closing and the crap is therefore flowing thick
From the MAGA Republican machine that’s running sick
Hare speech about Harris encased in each new TV ad
That is worse than the one before but will not be as bad
As the next one produced by toads so desperate to regain
The lead Trump lost once Kamala stepped up to it restrain.

Polls indicate things aren’t too great for Donald Trump because
Young voters have a candidate now who’s not an old scuz
And fence sitters uncomfortable with meanness MAGAs show
As it grows worse in TV ads against Harris will grow
So disgusted they will from the fence they’re on jump down
On the side against the side that in meanness does drown.

The lead Trump needs to speed his greed back to the White House will
Thanks to ever more ugly TV ads drain off until
It becomes so apparent that a black woman can win
He may decide to like debate not still want to be in
A race that eggs his face with such an unacceptable
Defeat he too will drop out through excuses shat from bull.

31 July 2024

Massive shift in Trump-Harris swing state polling with Biden out.

Here comes the Sun (belt): With Harris running, the presidential map has shifted back.

Hundreds of ‘Harris for President’ golf carts roll through Trump stronghold.

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