Thursday, August 8, 2024

Flaming Defeat

When you’re anti-LGBTQ with only one thing
To offer your state’s voters in hopes they’ll give you a fling
At getting yourself elected and that only thing is
Your promise to with flame throwers and guns give fags the biz
It comes as no surprise that your homophobic intent
Gains for you a total vote count that’s less than 10%.

When you’ve achieved the highest height of anti-non-straight hate
In the party where gay hate’s not open to debate
And deadly weapons you’ve displayed to get your point across
About your intent to kill faggots no wonder your loss
Is so massive no robbed election fake fraud vote complaint
Is worth attempting to scrape mass defeat stains from your plate.

When you’re a MAGA extremist who somehow did believe
Your promise to kill LGBTQ’s could pull from sleeve
The victory you were so sure gay hate would bring your way
Because you threw bigots red meat about perverts you’d slay
It’s really not surprising your campaign was run to ground
By all but 7.4 percent who found your shit sound.

August 8 2024

The most homophobic GOP candidate of the year loses her primary and it was brutal.

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