Sunday, August 4, 2024

Fat Elvis Stage

The stage that Trump has entered at this point in his career
Is the same stage that did not bring Elvis fans much to cheer
Fat Elvis then like Trump today show parallels between
Overstaying while coming apart at every seam.

What Elvis did before his end is now bringing Trump down
As an overweight over-the-hill pathetic clown
With one trick pony tricks and nothing else left in the tank
Remaining to generate new cash flow to the bank.

Thanks to Kamala Trump’s become a fat old has-been who
Still tries to perform as before before he lost all clue
Of what it takes to stay on top when your use date’s long gone
And your same old shtick once so slick has gone so very wrong.

Thus the Fat Elvis stage is where Trump has now found himself
Because the one sad tired act that alone’s on his shelf
No longer works as once it did when he was young and spry
Before old age brought on fat’s final stage before goodbye.

4 August 2024

Trump’s Political Downfall: The “Fat Elvis” Stage Begins?

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