Sunday, August 4, 2024

Extreme Mean

The rug pulled out from under Trump has knocked his ass askew
How now to beat a female he has not one single clue
His age-based attacks on Biden had been going so great
All polls predicted landslide victory would be his fate
But suddenly tables have turned so much he doesn’t know
What the Hell to do so double down on mean he’ll go.

The rug pulled out from under Trump has caused great consternation
For he’s found out the usual crap in his win equation
Is not working like it did back in 2016
When he won by defiantly disrupting the mean
Now mean is all that’s left for him in his old bag of tricks
To throw against the new blue wall in hopes that something sticks.

The rug pulled out from under Trump by a woman no less
Has made his old age a key factor in the campaign mess
Created for him when the stubborn Irishman withdrew
Which stereotypes assured him Biden would never do
And left him opposed by a female prosecutor he
Has no idea how to defeat so mean from him we see.

The rug pulled out from under Trump’s smug assurance he’d win
By being younger than the other guy did around spin
One hundred eighty degrees from its arrangement before
To make him run unfairly (so he whines) against one more
Younger and lots nicer who his limelight stole away
And made reversion to extreme mean his sole campaign play.

4 August 2024

The Message is Mean.

Trump seems to forget it’s not 2016 any more. And he’s frustrated.

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