Monday, August 19, 2024

Fake Polls Phase

Desperation’s running wild in the GOP
Because Trump can be only that which he alone can be
And what that is is not what’s needed to win the election
He’s been forced to be in ever since Biden’s bid rejection
Instead he’s the mean narcissistic shit he’s always been 
Which even in Peoria has now worn very thin.

Desperation’s run amuck among MAGAs who know
Trump’s inability to change has dealt a heavy blow
To their hoped for chance to sweep both the House and Senate too
Which if he’d just stop being himself for awhile they’d do
So when he says ‘screw you’ to every issue they him beg
To remain on script to discuss more egg hits their face.

Desperation’s increased among Trump toadies whose goal
Is being thwarted by the stupid never-changing troll
They keep trying to focus on issues that he could care
Less about and so each new poll indicates less share
Of voters who no longer sit on undecided fences
Which is why MAGA’s entering its ‘fake polls’ phase offensive.

19 August 2024

Trump and Vance have entered the ‘fake polls’ phase of their campaign.

J D Vance thinks polls showing Harris surge of Harris support are ‘fake’.

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