Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Failing Parts

When you remove thick layers of skin bronzer used to tone
Trump’s pasty white unhealthy face and neck to wattles prone
And the blonde-shaded polyester comb-over his head
Wears to cover scabby skin that makes bald pates look dead
What is revealed is an old tired looking man who tries
Through daily makeup application to hide age from eyes.

Thus in cosmetic ways Trump stays the onward march of time
Across the surface of his carcass that’s well past it’s prime
To ensure it’s not exposed to public scrutiny
By allowing makeup staff access to face daily
But on those rare occasions when in public he appears
Without layers of camouflage he displays age he fears.

When every now and then Trump appears minus the disguise
His makeup regimen for hours each morning supplies
The opposite of great gene health he claims is clearly shown
By the advancing old age stage to which his body’s prone
Those focused on how his dementia releases brain farts
Are missing how old aging bodies encase failing parts.

20 August 2024

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