Saturday, August 3, 2024

Attack Soundtrack

Things will get much more ugly as election time draws near
Because MAGA Republicans have discovered that fear
They were so sure they would never experience has come
Into their lives with a vengeance since Harris has begun
To pull even and then ahead in polls counted on to
Return Trump to power and his tyranny renew.

Things will get lots more ugly before we finally see
What the final vote count for or against Trump will be
If it results in landslide loss for him he will defend
Angrily his faux fraud claim fake votes robbed him again
And will refuse to concede as he did pre-coup before
Because his ego can’t accept loss to a half-black whore.

All Dems had better gear up for the full-throated attack
Trump and his MAGA toadies have just begun to unpack
That will increase in ugly until hate-filled innuendo 
Pig lips and press releases convey build to their crescendo
Right before November 5th in attempts to configure
The soundtrack for his stolen win or coup V.2’s pulled trigger.

3 August 2024

Ex-RNC chair warns Dems to gear up for “full throated MAGA attack” as election gets much uglier.

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