Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Code Words

Does anyone still have real doubt about what Trump will to do
If a win for him in November does not come through?
How can anybody think he will just fade away
If a black woman kicks his ass and say “Oh well, OK”?
Of course he “could question election outcome’…using guns
Supplied by his cult he releases to kill woke Dem scums.

Does anyone not yet see what is going to come down
If election results run against the orange clown?
Does anybody really think he’ll shrug and walk away
If defeat humiliates him on Election Day?
“Could question election outcome’ is a code word play
To say that blood will flow in streets if votes don’t go his way.

I guess the press thinks it’s remaining neutral in the fight
By understating what’s as obvious as clear daylight
About Trump’s intended plan to fan hot civil war
Into existence if votes strand him on defeat’s far shore
But if you think defeat won’t make Trump attempt coup V.2
There’s a big bridge in Brooklyn I’ll sell very cheap to you!

14 August 2024

Trump’s continued attacks on Harris’ rise stir fears he could question election outcome if he loses in November.

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