Thursday, August 15, 2024

Half-Baked Fake

When you grow older your hair fades to grey naturally
Provided any up on top remains around to see
Unless your ego cannot accept old age gracefully
And so golden hair comb-overs for hours you daily
Must have applied to deny you’re egg-bald in vain attempt
To pretend you from the aging process are exempt.

That’s always been the case with Trump - makeup tricks to delay
Outward evidence old age within’s well underway
Ergo no snow, just golden glow combed over balding pate
Above orange bronzer slathered thick to mask skin’s fate
Until lately that’s the way Trump’s tried to interrupt
Perception that to him like all old men age does corrupt.

But now a pro who knows hair has identified a change
In hair that’s usually in the same orange color range
Trump’s comb over’s now silver blond, done by one who’s surely
More pro that those who gave his bald head a go formally
Or else Trump finally agreed to wait longer than before
When his haste never let hair products silver blonde ensure.

It won’t be long before Trump’s orange hair regains its place
As Kamala’s poll leads increase he’s bound to up pace
Of his racist misogynistic rallies against her
Which means he’ll have less time for silver blonde hair to occur
And his half-baked fake hair’s comb over on the rally trail
Will display how to all old guys old age comes without fail.

15 August 2024

Trump Debuts Toned-Down Hair At Polls & We Think We Know How He Got His New Look

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