Tuesday, August 13, 2024

One Trick Schtick

For five times Trump’s pig lips have spit one trick’s refrain
About stolen elections through fake votes to him so plain
Combined with social chaos that’s all around everywhere
He keeps on saying exists though none but he can see there.

In 2015, 2016, 2020 too
His stolen election trick he prepped for and did spew
And once again in 2022 when red wave’s play
He trusted his trick would sic through blue trickled away.

After his fake vote trick became repetitious bore
Once applied for a third and forth time why would one time more
Finally work again after Joe reversed the chaos he
Claimed only he alone could fix but instead caused to be?

The reason’s very simple: when you are a one trick pony
The only trick you can perform ‘though it’s become baloney
You have no choice but to return to to on it depend
Because you can’t learn other tricks to your one trick amend.

Here’s to Trump’s inability to on one trick not call
Despite proof that his fake vote trick backs him against the wall
Of another failure after two before have not
Been enough to make him change the only trick it’s got.

13 August 2023

Trump’s 2020 Redux, And Why It Won’t Work.  https://flip.it/3MPAd4

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