Thursday, August 29, 2024


Almost all polls indicate Harris has leapt ahead
Including those in states where Dems have long found cause to dread
Even a Fox poll shows she leads in battleground states
Which as you can imagine on Trump’s ego really grates.

But instead of doing things needed to regain leads
Like discussing issues and addressing people’s needs
True to form Trump just heaps scorn on polls, especially
On Fox for polls that aren’t as he’s demanding them to be.

But calling Fox ‘Atrocious’ is no kind of word that he
Possesses for he doesn’t know advanced vocabulary
Beyond a fourth grade level or maybe fifth grade at best
So campaign toads have his poll complaints with ‘Atrocious’ blessed.

It will be interesting to hear what words his campaign
Supplies to him as polls continue to show his leads drain
Away as Kamala advances and he must deny
Each new poll using words whose meanings his brain can’t supply.

29 August 2024

Harris leads Trump, boosts democrats chances for House, Senate.

Trump Campaign Attacks Fox News for “Atrocious” Polls Showing Harris Ahead in Battleground States: “Awful Track Record”.

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