Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Disgusted To The Core

When you are a disgusting man whining forevermore
About disgusting fake fraud votes that robbed your win for sure
After the umteenth time your same old whining you repeat
Inevitably some once for you grow bored and retreat
Because they’ve grown above the low level at which you’re stuck
Enough to finally realize you in every way suck.

When you transmit the same old shit you’ve whined about before
Ever less few who once liked you head towards the door
They begin leaving early since they’ve heard the same old whines
So many times before the don’t need to hear them more times
Indeed to some you once got votes from you’re now such a bore
They find themselves disgusted with you to their very core.

When you deliver the same whine complaints you always do
Unless they’re hardcore cultists those at rallies grow more few
And since crowd size has obsessed you since your inauguration
When tarps hid millions only there in your imagination
Smaller crowds at rallies makes energy levels lag
To where even low effect whine delivery’s a drag.

And as your lack of energy makes fewer cultists stay
Long enough to hear those same old whines your pig lips spray
With ever less conviction than you relayed to them before
More seats get emptied sooner by those sick of whine’s encore
And some you’ve so disgusted deep down to their very core
Declare they’ll cast votes to end your damn whines forevermore.

21 August 2024

He ‘disgusts me to my core’: Ex-Trump supporters explain why they’re now ‘all in’ for Harris.

Trump’s lowest energy speech ever.

GOP at risk after Trump’s ‘cognitive decline, lack of energy’ in Michigan speech.

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