Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Choose Wisely

Step down, Joe, it’s time to go, you really do not want
Your debate debacle to America more haunt
If you remain that shit insane with power lust and greed
Will thanks to you have his win chance practically guaranteed
And will destroy America by claiming only he
Alone is the one God and Putin wants the Prez to be.

Step down, Joe, don’t let your family have the final say
In your staying in the running or running away
Think about the country you’ll have opened to abuse
If you don’t let debate defeat let you cut yourself loose
Give a young someone a chance to kick Trump’s fat corrupt ass
Don’t stay or you may throw his way a free election pass.

Step down, Joe…but if you won’t use the “Supreme” Court’s ruling
To arrest and execute the conman who’s been fooling
Half the country with his slick ability to fill
Their angry hearts with hate for immigrants they’ll freely kill
If their guy gets elected which he is now headed to
Unless you take him or yourself out (either way will do).

3 June 2024

NYT: Biden Weighing Dropping Out

Joe Biden should step aside now.

Seize the crown, King Biden (then arrest Trump and stack the court).

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