Thursday, July 4, 2024

Chill Out!

Everyone needs to CHILL OUT! Stop reading news they’re quoting
Relax, take deep breaths, and focus on getting people voting!
Don’t continue to believe our country’s end is nigh
Just because the right wing’s got the most obnoxious guy
That ever ran for President not once but twice (Oy Vey!)
Just CHILL OUT! and vote or by default you’ll make crime pay.

Maybe Trump will win but it’s still anybody’s guess
How things will shake out at the end of this campaign mess
If Joe stays he will need support from every voter who
Knows what’s bound to happen if Trump gets shot number two
At wannabe dictatorship that enough votes can stop
If love for our democracy does despair overtop.

All those opposed to tyranny need to become relaxed
Long enough to let their brains stop being overtaxed
With doubt despair and worry that our country won’t survive
Because it only won’t if their fear lets MAGA’s cult thrive
If everybody fearful will CHILL OUT! and vote Trump’s ass
Will into history’s dustbin find mass votes make it pass.

4 July 2024

Everyone needs to CHILL OUT

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