Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Sailing Ahead

Once again prognosticators out of the wazoo
Are claiming they alone know what will now be coming due
For our country now that immunity has been granted
To the sickest piece of human shit ever decanted.

No two predictions are alike, not one of them agree
With what another says is bound to surely come to be
Predictions range from hopeless rage to back-flipping elation
As each is sure it alone knows what’s in store for our nation.

Republicans are overjoyed the Supreme Court they stacked
With corrupt lying truth-denying judges have Trump backed
They see the way as clear as day before them to impose
Their fascist tyranny on the way our country now goes.

Democrats are desperately seeking some silver lining
In the decision that has made them increase their sad pining
Begun after debate debacle made their party fear
The end of values they defend is drawing much more near.

America has hung in there almost 300 years
Which is the average age of past empires so one hears
From historians who study empire endurance
So on the down side history grants hope not much assurance.

But cults also have histories of not for long enduring
After Dear Leaders find so called good genes were not ensuring
That they would live forever although they may that believe
And convince those who they exploit through con games that deceive.

And so despite conflicting claims our future can’t be known
By any pundit claiming they know what will next be shown
Because the way time works means we can’t know what’s going to be
Recorded for great grandchildren to read as history.

And so because none can yet know how things are shaking out
What we believe will happen is based on fear, grief, and doubt
Or on smug fascist arrogance but our nation’s travail
Ahead neither side really knows as towards it both sail.

2 July 2024

Behind the Curtain: Trump’s imperial presidency in waiting https://flip.it/_V5HeJ

“Very Bad News for Trump” Lawrence O’Donnell Says Ruling Could Backfire Quickly. https://flip.it/1mY1UG

Mike Johnson tries brazen Trump defense after immunity ruling. https://flip.it/8kkYk0

Mary Trump Makes Rallying Cry After Ruling From Supreme Court “Traitors”. https://flip.it/evpyz0

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