Monday, July 1, 2024

Dumb Substitutes

Steve Bannon’s time is running out, he’s headed soon for jail
Because his pleas for staying out of it did not prevail
And so for four long lovely months he won’t be found around
Podcasting to make sure a dictator’s White House bound
But never fear, although we won’t hear his on-line lies spurt
His podcast will continue under guest hostess Boebert!

What could possibly go wrong when Lauren takes the role
Of lying crying truth defying podcasting Trump troll?
It’s bound to be a wild ride when she fills in for Steve
And pulls each day’s thoughts that amaze out of her hand job sleeve
Fine MAGA time will be had by all listening to her
Stir stupid into dumb to ensure smart cannot occur.

What was Bannon thinking to let her his podcast host?
Boebert is so stupid she can’t turn bread into toast!
But maybe that was his intent, consider if you will
His audience in which he did stupidity distill
To the point where they believe treasonous lies he’s said
And are prepared to buy lies from dumb substitutes instead.

1 July 2024
Steve Bannon’s Going To Prison But His Podcast Will Go On

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