Wednesday, July 17, 2024


R.I.P. to the GOP, the grand party’s no more
It’s domination by a conman married to a whore
Has become so completely central none in it are left
With any sense of moral compass, the party’s bereft
Of every shred of dignity that used to keep it sane
Search if you will for values in it and you’ll search in vain.

R.I.P. to the GOP but peaceful’s not the way
It plans to rest after it wrests come next Election Day
The future of America it’s boasting it will steer
Away from democracy to tyranny made clear
In every policy each toady ass-kisser proclaims
Comes into play once Dear Leader is crowned to hold the reins.

R.I.P. to democracy freedom and liberty
To world respect and leadership bid a sad R.I.P.
And to morality for as the MAGA mob’s made clear
Has been replaced with core values of lie-based hate and fear
They may appear disloyal to the insane brain that filled
Their once grand party with grave evil mad ego instilled.

17 July 2024

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