Thursday, July 18, 2024


High over fly-over county as airplanes can go
Parted clouds reveal farmlands spread out for miles below

From windowpane to distant plain and townships in between

Clustered around crossroads ringed by fields (wheat corn soybean)
At mile after mile of fields home to cows and hay
Air passengers glance briefly down before they glance away.

Looking down on crossroad towns and farmland’s fertile grid

A few above may think of how how lies have truth hid

From lives lived so far down below those so far overhead

Fly first class flights to destinations privileged lives have led?

Do a few glances glancing down before they glance away

Understand what those below may soon put into play?

Our country’s at a crossroads and in four short months we’ll know

If what we’ve tried to be continues or heads down below

Depending on the number of votes for the lying shit

Are cast by the fly-over land throughout which he’s a hit

Have invasion fears and other lies spread thick about

Each farm and field below congealed or will truths still win out?

18 July 2024

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