Tuesday, July 16, 2024


If you had thought that getting almost shot in the head would
Turn a malignant narcissist into someone who’s good
And you believed Trump when he said from now on unity
Would be the goal for which hereafter he’d strive mightily
Then for a day sheer fantasy was the world you lived in
Before reversion to the mean shit Trump has always been.

If you had hoped assassination’s attempt would bring change
That made an extreme narcissist broaden the narrow range
Of total focus on himself because he’d finally see
That he’s as human as us all and death for him can be
And thus discover empathy I’m sorry to report
Nothing has changed in the way Trump’s character does comport.

So ‘martyr’ Trump has once again in rally speeches loud
Condemned witch hunts and evil Dems to his adoring crowd
Of cultists now convinced that bullet so narrowly missed
Because God loves His Chosen One an therefore He’d insist
All MAGAs unify to crown Trump King eternally
Through votes that impose on all tyrannical unity.

16 July 2024

‘Nothing has changed’: Trump’s angry new rant wrecks claims about him wanting “unity’. https://flip.it/pAKDoe

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