Monday, July 15, 2024

Photo Opportunity

If it wasn’t staged by Trump as many doubters see
It still appears to have been set up almost perfectly
Two lousy inches to the left is all it would have taken
To guarantee democracy’s survival’s not forsaken
Instead a bloody ear and fist pump photo will inspire
What many who know history all call our “Reichstag Fire”.

MAGA nuts in Congress claim it’s Biden’s fault for sure
As the extreme right advocates for violence and for war 
Trump’s laying semi-low but hate will again spill
From his now bloodied pig lips that can never long be still
Unlike the right he won’t say outright every Dem should hang
But code words hints and winks will be in each future harangue.

Biden’s call for peace and love to scrape thin hate’s mean crud
Was well received even by Fox but MAGAs out for blood
All heard it as another wuss speech from fake President
Who gave the order for the hit on Dear Leader they bet
And when Trump’s pig lips spew code words they wait for so well know
Violence and war his hints implore will in streets make blood flow.

The Reichstag Fire set the stage for Hitler’s power grab
And Trump’s bloody ear fist pump photo will work just as fab
So millions of copies of that photo his toads will use
To propel bloody vengeance against all who him abuse
And in that photo they use to make their foes in blood drown
The flag behind Trump’s upraised fist is flying upside down.

15 July 2024

President Trump Shot: What “Reichstag Fire” Means and Why It’s Trending

Even Fox News and CNN agree on Biden Speech After Trump Assassination Attempt.

Republicans are blaming Biden for the Trump rally shooting.

Far Right Extremists Call for Violence and War After Trump Shooting

The story Behind the Powerful Photo of Trump that Could Change the Country.

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