Sunday, July 28, 2024


All knew already Trump’s a very nasty piece of work
A racist misogynistic crude narcissistic jerk
Without even one small redeeming quality at all
To just a bit offset the shit he is beyond recall.

Trump was nasty well before that escalator ride
He rode down to where he’s made all Americans abide
But during four years of disservice as bad President
And even more so after that his nasty got more bent.

Now that his campaign strategy’s been destroyed by one who
Is younger smarter and to his disgust black female too
His nasty nature will be growing exponentially
As he attempts to regain prime time limelight on TV.

No doubt his rabid MAGA fans will cheer the nasty trend
Trump increases every day until his campaign’s end
But fence sitters uncomfortable with nastiness may say
Since he’s both old and nastier let’s vote the other way.

Again we’ll have to wait and see if nasty can prevail
Against the young intelligent one who brought Trump’s travail
But chances are there are or at least one hopes there may be
Enough turned off by nastiness to elect decency.

28 July 2024

Why Trump’s attacks on Kamala Harris will be much nastier than usual.

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