Saturday, July 27, 2024

Uncivil War

We will not see a civil war should Trump lose the election
A most uncivil war may be due to his un-selection
At least some kind of war MAGA toads threaten will occur
Now that Dear Leader’s momentum’s been drained into the sewer
By Biden’s withdrawal from a race no old age pace could win
And Kamala in Joe’s place with her younger pace stepped in.

Republicans in panic found themselves so unprepared
For change that rearranged the old age strategy they shared
They had no clue what they should do so make grave threats of war
They say must come if their Chosen One can’t beat Joe’s black whore
Thus they’ve become more crude and rude and throughly disgusting
Than usual in their attempt to prevent their side’s dusting.

It may well be some blood streets see if the way things shake out
Go as they all now seem to be to Trump and MAGAs rout
Because false prophet patriots with arsenals galore
Are being told to save their country will take civil war
If Trump’s defeated which now seems more likely he will be
To what extent will they make war threatened so desperately?

27 July 2024

GOP Lawmaker Introduces JD Vance By Warning if Trump Isn’t Elected It ‘Will Take A Civil War To Save The Country’.

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