Monday, July 29, 2024

Flip Flops

Suddenly everyone’s watching poll results it seems
After writing them off as inaccurate has-beens
Due to that Nate Silver flop back in 2016
When guaranteed glass ceiling breakage did not make the scene
Since then each new poll flips newly predict an outcome that
Swings back and forth about who has just pinned who to the mat.

Since Joe stepped down and Kamala stepped up new polls each day
Predict that Trump’s slim swing state lead has been bleeding away
Whereas before Joe’s no-encore move polls predicted that
Trump’s lead had grown so far ahead we’d soon elect the rat
Back then the Dems grew despondent each time new polls came out
Lately it’s the Republicans each new poll has made pout.

With 99 days remaining until election time
Polls guarantee numbers we see will increase or decline
As back and forth every new poll prediction swings anew
To grant one side and then the other confidence that’s due
To what new-posted poll predict has finally flipped their way
Before newer polls flip to their new confidence betray.

29 July 2024

Kamala Harris Scores Double Polling Boost In Pennsylvania

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