Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Encore Or War?

If you don’t want World War III to be then take Trump’s advice:
Vote for him and no more wars will ever cause you strife
He’ll end all wars before the doors of the White House admit
Him back into the building where for four years his ass fit
The seat of leadership so badly that one single term
Was all he was allowed to from therein make freedoms squirm.

But if you want World War III coming to your living room
Along with immigrant hoards who will caravan there soon
Then by all means vote against Trump but also realize
You’ll have made Satan happy because peace you so despise
Your vote against Trump guarantees chaos on Earth will thrive
Because after he’s not elected World War will arrive.

But as all know and many have said Trump would never lie
So why not believe him when he says the end he’ll pry
Away from sure certainty that World War III will come
If instead of him voters elect the black female scum
Democrats are soon to name their candidate of choice
Who’ll make World War III arrive and cause Satan to rejoice.

30 July 2024

If You Don’t Want World War III, Donald Trump Says You Need To Vote For Him https://flip.it/Gvlfyk

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