Thursday, July 11, 2024

Cognitive Decline

Those of us who remember the horrors we endured
During four years Trump our country so deeply injured
Find it hard to believes that so many don’t recall
Covid deaths for which lightbulbs and bleach were called cure-all
And toilet paper isles emptied by the stable brain
Of he who claimed that he alone could make things great again.

The trauma those four years brought on have left a lasting mark
In the minds of those of us who see through gaslit dark
But half of us apparently find cognitive decline
The way to stay in denial of that appalling time
When a golf playing fascist set the stage that has now led
To the decline of democracy his goal’s still to kill dead.

America won’t survive more years of much worse shit
Evil men handling Trump want to us again fit
Will voters in denial destroy our democracy
Or will it be saved by votes from enough who still clearly
Recall the chaos under which cognitively declined
Cultists were convinced by a con he’d make their lives fine.

10 July 2024

Mary Trump: America is in “Cognitive Decline” if it can’t remember the “horrors” of my uncle.

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