Thursday, July 11, 2024

Burning Issues

Forget about democracy on its last legs, OK?
Forget that climate change is broiling life on Earth away
Forget about forced girls forced by pro-life to rights negate
To preserve the rights of their rapists’ ejaculate
Forget about real issues of which there’s such vast amounts
The issue of energy efficiency’s all that counts.

Refrigerator Freedom is the newest rally cry
In Congress along with making dishwashers less wet more dry
With energy efficiency Congress will do away
To reduce household appliance costs so MAGAs say
But really it's another rear guard action by the right
Against government intervention against which states fight.

Forget about America the world used to respect
Until Trump drove it insane with unstable intellect
But with the greatest conman genius the world’s yet seen
That stripped saps of their life savings by endorsing streaks mean
Racism misogyny and other isms are
The coin of the mad realm into which our descent’s gone far.

And so of course Republicans want to eliminate
Energy efficiency while democracy’s fate
And the whole Earth’s is hanging by a thread that’s grown more frayed
As denial deflects self-blame from those greed’s waylaid
Into the belief amassed wealth ensures they’ll stay alive
(When you’re a rich White MAGA male God wants you to survive!).

Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic would seem
The simile best suited to sum up the current scene
America now faces as insanity prevails
Aided and abetted by Biden’s debate travails
One party’s burning issue is to all those not them screw
The other’s is to find some clue about what next to do.

11 July 2024

Florida Rep. Laurel Lee Says She’s “Committed To Protecting Consumer Choice” After Passage Of Refrigerator, SUDS Act

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