Friday, July 5, 2024


Republicans know they can’t win unless they lie and cheat
And threaten to disrupt elections they know they can’t beat
Because the clear majority of voters are demanding
Policies which they are trying to through under-handing
Be claiming they are tempering past stances they have taken
Which will return again once democracy they’ve forsaken.

Republicans don’t give a damn about free fair elections
All they crave is power and that is why their selections
Of dirty tricks they’re ramping up as November draws near
Will throw legitimate vote count tallies out on their ear
In overwhelming fear they know their win rates won’t be fine
Unless they cheat and use non-discrete big lives overtime.

Parties come and parties go and MAGA’s minions know
If they don’t cheat and lie they’ll go bye bye like melted snow
Which is why they desperately to deceit will still cling
To delay the demise they know future votes will bring
If they keep shoving down the throats of voters they demean
Policies unwanted that bring back the guillotine.

Republicans are already dead, that party lies prone
Killed by MAGA thugs who claim they’re patriots alone
What they are now has not yet been named but tyranny
They’re planning to impose fits “Treason Party” to a tee
With just a few more months to go their cheating will increase
And the lies will intensify they can’t afford to cease.

America approaches its last crossroads and the way
It chooses to the Treason Party intends to sway
Away from where our forefathers intended us to be
When they told Mad King George we had declared our liberty
Now another mad man wants to be our tyrant king
And only overwhelming votes will him behind us fling.

5 July 2024

“Republicans cannot win without lies”: Scholar argues mass protests can and will foil Trump.

The Dismantling of Democracy: A Grim Projection of American Fascism Under Trump

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