Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Three Scenarios

There are three scenarios about the Prez debate
That apply to how Trump will or won’t participate
Who know’s which one he’ll pick? I guess we’ll have to wait and see
What happens Thursday night when the debate is on TV
Will he show or will he blow it off with some excuse
Or will he show awhile and then storm off screaming abuse?

Scenario numero one is his orange face being
Seen throughout the whole debate lying, whining, and screaming
Talking out of turn and interrupting left and right
In an attempt to make Joe Biden flustered and uptight
This is the worst scenario his handlers are dreading
Because “unpresidential” it’s so aiding and abetting.

Scenario numero two is for him not to go
By making some weak lame excuse for being a no-show
Maybe accusing Biden of preparing in advance
Which he could not do because he was not given the chance
Which makes no sense nor will any other excuse he’ll make
But cowards will say anything to not participate.

Scenario numero three may be the best by far
For him to take to make a point that leaves a smaller scar
On his cult reputation as their Mucho Macho Man
Which would be to show up but then storm out fast as he can
Because they turned his mike off or from his face cut away
Or some other excuse he uses to anger display.

For the scenario he chooses we will have to wait
Until Thursday evening unless two is on his plate
In which case he may pull the plug on his participation
Prior to the time the debate’s broadcast to the nation
So place your bets on which scenario most likely he
Will choose to cause or dodge debacle the debate could see.

25 June 2024

Will Trump chicken out of the presidential debate? Probably. He’s a Grade-A coward. https://flip.it/lyqLTp

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