Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Lame Excuse

Another pipsqueak politician clinging desperately
To power after things for him went south as they could be
This time it’s Friske of Michigan who says that he was framed
After being arrested for a gun assault he has claimed
Should not be called illegal because true patriots see
It was practicing second amendment advocacy!!!

Friske gets extreme right wing credit for having come up with
The kind of excuse true MAGAs are happy with to live
To justify whatever someone’s done with loaded gun
Including mass school shootings which they’ve thoughts and prayers begun
Because amendment number two they clearly see to say
Gun owners rights take precedence over those blown away.

If Trump gets re-elected he will actively defend
Dipshits like Friske when they en masse from the woodwork descend
With guns proudly prepared to blow Dear Leader’s foes away
Including strip clubs drunks who question things MAGAs may say
No matter what gun nuts do they won’t face arrest abuse
Unlike Friske who’s made “was being framed” his lame excuse.

26 June 2024

Michigan state Rep. Neil Friske arrested, jailed in Lansing.

Michigan Lawmaker Says Arrest Involving Gun and Adult Dancer was Second Amendment Advocacy

Michigan Lawmaker Neil Friske after arrest says he “was being framed”.

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