Monday, June 24, 2024

Game Over

“Game Over” is where Earth is headed if Trump wins as planned
By his rich friends who’ll then then gain carte blanc to pillage the land
Drilling will be his first priority, no more will wind
And solar power be allowed to become what they’ve been
In Europe where folks woke up to the danger long ago
Of how our world will end once Capitalists run the show.

“Game Over” is how a top climate scientist expresses
What happens to our planet if Trump opens it to messes
Created by his robber barron friends who’d turn the land
Into a place where their greed for gain’s grow so out of hand
Survival’s tipping point’s flown past and won’t be coming back
To a world laid waste by those who moral compass lack.

“Game Over” won’t only apply to our democracy
If Trump wins Earth’s survival chance each day we’ll less more see
Every day his rich friends pillage what’s left of the land
To gain more riches that by tax cuts alone they had planned
We won’t have time to counteract the end our planet faces
Once Trump puts unrestrained Capitalism through its paces.

24 June 2024

Top Climate Scientist Sums Up Second Trump Term With Two Chilling Words

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