Thursday, June 20, 2024


Donald Trump fears lots of things, he’s fearful as can be
For instance about not being in the news constantly
And thanks to dear old racist dad he fears everyone black
And thanks to male misogamy women who dare fight back
His groping hands but of all fears he upon most fear parks
Is bigly fear of consumption by a shiver of SHARKS!!!

In Wisconsin the other day his SHARKS!!! fear reared its head
In his rally speech when he said there’s no need to dread
SHARKS!!! swimming in the great big Great Lakes lake about which he
Had only just learned Wisconsin was located closely
He complemented the cheese state for not permitting SHARKS!!!
To swim anywhere near where fear of SHARKS!!! in him embarks.

Apparently his SHARKS!!! comment in the state was intended
To try to get ‘nice’ to his hate-filled rally words appended
But since there’s no ‘nice’ in his soul he couldn’t pull it off
And instead came across so weird Colbert at him did scoff
But it’s more sane for him to fear what fresh water can’t see
Than to attempt to insert “nice” in mean insanity.

29 June 2024

‘It Was Weird’: Stephen Colbert Spots Moment Trump Tried ‘Something New’ At Rally

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