Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Dementia Race

When it comes to the dementia race Trump leaps ahead
Every time he doesn’t say what should be said instead
Unlike Marge Greene’s word choices which just show she’s dumb as rocks
Trump’s clearly indicate patterns that do not cause shrinks shocks
Because dementia’s signs were clear to them at their first glance
And the more they keep watching him the more those signs advance.

Lately Trump’s been claiming Biden is the one who has
Dementia through projection which has always been the salve
He applies to claim in others conditions he’s got
Which are apparent to all but those who still think he’s hot
And so it comes as no surprise the more he keeps revealing
Aspects of his own dementia about Joe’s he’s squealing.

Republicans in House and Senate desperately keep trying
To claim a brain well past insane remains fine by denying
Every brain fart clearly made all but Trump’s cult have heard
As false reporting by some liberal media turd
Of something that they personally know he’d not said at all
Because they’d stood right next to him and do not it recall.

Joe’s age and stutter aren’t exactly assets that play well
In places like Peoria but it’s too soon to tell
If in addition Trump’s projection of his own sick brain
On Joe will influence voters when both men run again
None know how that race will go despite what polls decree
But Trump’s ahead in the race to complete senility.

19 June 2024

Donald Trump rambles about AI “clean fakes” while trying to call Biden senile

Trump’s Attempt to Mock Biden’s Cognition Backfires When He Gets the Term Wrong

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