Friday, June 21, 2024

Sludge Scrapings

The bottom of the barrel’s where sludge does accumulate
The chance of finding anything down there that’s good ain’t great
Especially if that barrel from which sludge scrapings come
Is a party which can only dredge up remaining scum
Because those with a moral compass from up on top left
Leaving sludge at the bottom that’s decency bereft.

Except for that one very bad Dem senator who Hey!
Comes from New Jersey so what would you expect anyway?
Every local, state, and federal figure lately found
To be caught being stupid and corrupt to MAGA’s bound
The only explanation for this trend one can surmise
Is when sludge is all you’ve got left cream up from it can’t rise.

So state reps who get arrested or who hid cameras show
Pour water into bags of Dem colleagues who they think blow
And stupid representatives whose brains no thoughts distill
Except how to stop legislating from Capitol Hill
Will always be found to be MAGA Republicans each time
Because bottoms are breeding grounds of truly stupid crime.

21 June 2024

Michigan state rep Neil Friske arrested, jailed in Lansing.

Hidden camera captures Republican lawmaker pouring water into Democratic colleague's bag

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