Sunday, June 16, 2024

Separation Anxiety

King Donald’s madness ought to terrify more GOP
The fact it doesn’t tells you all you need to know or see
About the party of complicit greedy terrified
Cowards without moral compasses to be applied
After Trump’s grabbed them by the balls if their sex is male
Or by the pussy if in them X chromosomes prevail.

The madness of their Chosen One in every rally speech
And meetings full of brain farts does coherent thinking breach
The only ones to who he comes across as sane are those
Who believe their emperor wears robbed election clothes
But sharks and batteries and Lecter references that dance
From pig lips warn non-MAGAs his madness does more advance.

Fearful toads in House and Senate may still be applauding
But not so CEOs who among some it’s finally dawning
That promises greater tax cuts without any hitch
Combined with calls for calls for guillotines may backfire on the rich
Like in France back when the wealth gap had grown so out of hand
It cut the rich off from wealth in ways their heads had not planned.

And so the madness of King Don should much more terrify
Republicans and maybe will do more so by and by
For CEOs who don’t applaud are a big warning sign
As madness grows it currently is working overtime
To frighten wealthy donors who once wrote his biggest checks
Who no longer do so in hopes heads stay attached to necks.

16 June 2024

The madness of king David should terrify Republicans

Trump Mystified That the Media Won’t Report on the Greatest Meeting Ever

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