Monday, June 17, 2024


MyPillow Guy is in the news again and who can say
What role he and his cheap chopped foam crap pillows may yet play
In November’s elections which will distill the fate
Of our land which if Trump wins again will not be great
Because nuts like MyPillow Guy who’ve proved their loyalty
Will fill the government’s ranks with rank incompetency.

MyPillow Guy is back with one more convoluted plan
As crazy as all others he proposed since he began
Kissing Trump’s fat pillow ass instead of advertising
His crappy chopped foam products so many began despising
That touting for Dear Leader brought MyPillow bankruptcy 
When stores refused to carry them due to lie stridency.

MyPillow Guy’s new plan to guarantee Trump gets elected
Is for MAGA cult members who have formerly rejected 
Mail-in ballots to request them but not send them in
So on Election Day when they’re told they can’t vote again
They go outside, open their blank ballot, photograph it
And send the photo to him to as ‘evidence’ Dems hit.

There is no point in asking Lindell how his plan will work
Like every other plan proposed by the cheap chopped foam jerk
It’s due to come to nothing because one obviously
Can’t increase vote count by getting voters to agree
To not vote for them twice within a very short time span
Despite being ‘deputized’ and performing ‘God’s plan’.

But hey! It’s just MyPillow Guy we’re talking about here
Again making another convoluted plan appear
Out of the blue which only he alone can understand
About deputies not voting in a way God has planned
So here’s hoping all MAGA voters follow Mike’s advice
And don’t vote for Dear Leader this time not just once but twice!

17 June 2024

‘It’s God’s plan:” Mike Lindell intends to ‘deputize’ Trump voters for Election Day.

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