Saturday, June 15, 2024

Irony Is Dead

If you cheat in an election here’s some news for you
From Laura Trump: Her RNC will do all it can do
To find you and to track you down and persecute your asses
For turning fair elections into illegal morasses
Which they become when cheating scum attempt to get ahead
(Unless the cheating’s by a Trump, ‘though that’s not what she not said).

If you cheat in an election RNC-ers will
Track you down until you’re found their duty to fulfill
By guaranteeing election conduct stays above board
Because cheating is something they say we cannot afford afford
(Unless of course you’re Donald Trump, in which case cheat and lie 
To get elected because you’re your daughter-in-law’s guy).

If you cheat in an election you had better be
Named Trump and/or Republican or else your destiny
Will be to be found and tracked down and persecuted for
Cheating (unless cheating has become the inner core
Of your party, in which case why fear the RNC?
It’s Democrats they’re after, not the cheating GOP).

15 June 2024

Laura Trump’s New Election Threat Is Proof Irony Is Dead

Oh Noes: Laura Trump is Gonna Track Down and Prosecute Election Cheaters - Ya Mean Like Donald Trump?

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