Saturday, June 1, 2024


Trump’s trial was RIGGED!!!, he’ll tell you, RIGGED!!! as RIGGED!!! could be!!!
It was the most RIGGED!!! trial ever through all history!!!
Never could a more RIGGED!!! trial be RIGGED!!! by foes who
Have RIGGED!!! so many things against Dear Leader to him screw
But never fear, the RIGGED!!! VERDICT!!! that came from that RIGGED!!! room
Will by backfire spell each foe who RIGGED!!! Trump’s trial’s DOOM!!!

The spin spun by Trump’s toad defenders through his cult is growing
To counter headlines that display “GUILTY!!!” in letters glowing
MyPillow Guy’s convinced the GUILTY!!! verdict dumped on Trump
Will increase the size of the landslide voters will soon dump
On him and guarantee his WIN!!! even if RIGGED!!! travail
Which WITCH HUNT!!! made him undergo locks him by then in jail.

From here until November their WIN!!! spin they’ll be increasing
In volume and intensity and anger never ceasing
To condemn RIGGED!!! “justice” lying at our country’s base
Because it’s thrown a RIGGED!!! VERDICT!!! in Dear Leader’s dear face
Trump’s gang’s elated RIGGED!!! “justice” thinks it’s finally prevailed
Because GUILTY!!! ensures he’ll WIN!!! and DESTROY!!! what’s him jailed.

1 June 2024

Trump After Verdict: Rigged, Rigged, Rigged, Rigged, Etc.

He just won the election: Mike Lindell is elated by Trump’s guilty verdict

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