Sunday, June 2, 2024

Goose Sauce

Once again hypocrisy raised its conflicted head
This time from the hypocrite who’ll never put to bed
Whining and complaining about witch hunt trials that
Drag him out repeatedly to grapple on the mat
Of public opinion where his complaints carry weight
Only with cultists he’s conned to think God thinks he’s great.

Once again hypocrisy returns to kick Trump’s ass
From what he said was wrong but from which now demands a pass
This time his hypocrisy concerns felons and voting
Which he claimed wrong back when of Hillary the wrong was quoting
To convey his anger that Virginia planned to let
Its felons vote which he called wrong because their votes she’d get.

What’s sauce for geese is never sauce for politicians who
Know they can’t win unless what they say their foes must not do
Does not and never should apply to them but cannot say
The reason why they say for them it’s perfectly OK
To do what they said never must be done by any who
Are not them but for them it’s fine to totally so do.
2 June 2024

Trump said these people shouldn’t be able to vote.  Now he’s one of them.

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