Friday, May 31, 2024

Guilty On All Counts!

Guilty on all counts! Guilty on every single one!
Guilty at long last of being a convicted scum
Rather than a scum who somehow always got away
With shit done any normal scum would for have Hell to pay
The wheels of justice may grind slow but their grind’s finally found
The worst white collar criminal among thousands around.

Guilty on all counts! All 34 counts which he thought
He’d get away with from his perch above the law but not
This time when at long last the felon’s finally found that he
Can be convicted after all if 12 jurists agree
And if his lawyers are inept and if his pig-lipped mouth
Kept ignoring gag orders North and East and West and South.

Guilty on all counts! He looked a bit shocked, didn’t he?
When after the verdict was read his face on TV
Tried to look indignant but it’s pasty blank stare look
Indicated reality’s caught up with the crook
Who like a deer in headlights was frozen as could be
In the moment his ego said he would never see.

Guilty on all counts! It will take him a day or two
To crank himself back up enough to restore his shit due
To return in rallies where pig lips whine and complain
Of bad judges and witch hunt trials and verdicts insane
To cult crowds nowhere near as large as crowd size lie proclaims
And low affect speech patterns as confidence away drains.

31 May 2024

Trump verdict live updates: Trump found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records, becoming the first U.S. president to be convicted of criminal charges

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