Friday, June 14, 2024

Party Standards

When you lie for a liar about what that liar said
Who then says he said what your lie said he did not instead
Being called a “slimy liar” you more than deserve
For contradicting the master liar!!! Of all the nerve!!!

Because the lying standard in your party’s grown so high
That each new thing it says is true is yet another lie
I guess it made sense to you to lie for Trump without dread
That he would contradict your lie about what he had said.

As a rule a toad tool like you tells lies day and night
Because telling the truth does to your party not feel right
Pathological liars must lie, true they eschew
But lying about what one then admits they said sure screws you!

You tried kissing Trump’s ass, Mike, with your claim you didn’t hear
Him say Milwaukee was horrible although you stood near
Enough to hear him say that which he now admits was true
Because you always do what you believe he wants you to.

But before you lie for him again you’d better check facts
To see if he’ll agree with your lie or instead attacks
You for lying about what he then says he said he said
Or as a respected liar in your party you’re dead.

14 June 2024

“Slimy liar”: Critics level Speaker Mike Johnson for denying Trump’s Milwaukee dig.

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